Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday, December 22nd Announcements

Our Financial Stewardship

Weekly budget needs: $3,555
Last week’s general offering: $3,756
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: $710


Christ tells us to be totally committed — first to love Him, then to love others as much as we love ourselves. We are to give all of our heart, soul and mind to being Christ-like. The ultimate goal: that every man, woman and child on this earth can know His saving grace. Southern Baptist missionaries can’t carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth without our full support. Through our giving, missionaries can concentrate their time and efforts on engaging the unreached with the Gospel. How much will you give to reach the ones who still do not know? Think about what you spend on Christmas gifts for family and friends. Then consider giving your biggest gift to God through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®. The 2013 goal is $175 million. What role you will play? 

Only two more opportunities to give toward our church goal of $2,000!

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: Be here Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. for our annual Christmas Eve service.  It will be a special time of worship and celebration with music, drama, and candlelight. Be sure to invite friends and family to join you.

MISSIONS NIGHT: On January 5th at 6 p.m. Harold & Celeste Cochran (Hank & Dene DeWeerd's daughter) will be here with their family to talk about their work in Honduras. They teach at Academia Los Pinares, a bilingual school, and help with local ministries. Please bring an international dish to share as we consider God's work around the world.